Wednesday, December 7, 2011

First Year Continued!!

So as I have been reminiscing when I write this Blog, I find myself laughing at some of the things that we did that young married couples today have missed out on. When we left each other in the mornings we usually didn't talk to each other again until we got home that evening making getting home fun and exciting now with technology couples talk and tweet and text and facebook each other all the time! I think taking some of the anticipation out of getting home! I do see the benefits of technology! I was thinking about our first Christmas, what a laugh, I was obsessed with finding a perfect tree! I think we went to 5 different tree lots when I finally found the perfect tree! Kris was such a trooper he would have found a tree at the first lot but he loved me and new how important our first Christmas was to me. Funny thing we got my perfect tree home and realized it was to tall! Oh the pain Kris started cutting off the bottom which was beautiful, by the time we got the tree up I realized that maybe I was a little to obsessed with the TREE!!! We had such a great day Kris surprised me with a puppy we named Rocky we had such a fun time,we did have quite the dispute though how to manage the families and split the time between them! WOW now that is difficult especially when you have 2 very close families.(More to come.) Enjoy the memories of those first Christmas's and all those that have followed truly they are the best presents you can get!

Always an Eagle
Dignity,Strength and Grace

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The First Year

As I con tinplate the first year of marriage I remember everyone telling me it was going to be so hard, I think the only hard part for us was trying to delegate time between two families!!
Anyway Kris and I were lucky enough to move into a apartment that his Dad owned in Granger Utah. I think our rent was 100.00 per month remember this was in 1979,Kris was a student at the UofU and I was working at the SLC airport, Kris was also working for Bateman Electric his Dad's company. We found married life great! There was one problem I had to be at work at 5:00 am. So at around 8:30 pm I was exhausted Kris usually studied after I went to bed. This soon became a problem I would sometimes be in bed before Kris got home and leave before he was up that meant we would pass in the night!! We finally figured out the schedule at least for a little while. I can't remember or maybe it is selective memory(haha) but We were at my Mom and Dad's and we are all visiting when the subject came up about cooking, and I over heard my husband asking my Mom if I could anything besides spagetti and macaroni and cheese! I of course piped up with I make more than that and then my Father interjected with she can boil water laughter arose in my family!! to my defense I was very active in Highschool I spent alot of time in the dance room the gymnastic room the gym!! ( not to much time in the home economics room) so maybe I needed a little work on my cooking skills!! But no one could complain on my cleaning skills, I was raised with a Mom that taught me great cleaning skills I also even learned to iron and I mean iron everything( hand towels, pillowcases, hankies, underwear,sheets, pants shirts etc.) I am sure there are some of you that experienced the same thing. I can say that after I was married the ironing got smaller and smaller and the once a week ironing became as it was needed! ( to this day I still follow this rule). It is funny because as I grew older I always tried to improve my cooking skills, no one complained but now my children are older they continually remind me that my cooking was not good there have even been times when my children have asked who is cooking! I can honestly say that my cooking has improved. I look back and laugh to think how sweet Kris was about my cooking it wasn't very good! but he always ate what I made and always kissed me and said Thank you!! I miss those moments even now, his tender touch and his gratitude!!
Please remember that these are the things that are important in a relationship! Those little things the touch, the Thank you and the LOVE! those are the things we keep close to our HEART!

I am a very lucky women!!!

Dignity,Strenght and Grace